Monday 15 October 2012

The Sketchbook Project 2012

Never heard of The Sketchbook Project? Well why not. It's a genious idea! Basically, anyone can sign up to the project whether you're an artist, student, teacher, business man - anyone. Arthouse will post out a sketchbook to you, fill it up with sketches, watercolours, textiles, acrylics - any medium you like. When it's finished, post it back to Arthouse and viola, it becomes part of a library of sketchbooks. The library goes on a worldwide tour and then ends up in a library in New York for anyone and everyone to see. How amazing is that?!

Want to get involved? You can still sign up to the January 2013 submission here.


So the 2012 submission is currently on tour and is in London now until this Friday, 19th October 2012. I went down for a nosy this weekend at Canada Water library.


Chantal Vincent from Sydney, Australia

Chantal's The Journey of Henry had some lovely little prints, some beautiful drawings and some very inspiring quotes.

"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home" - Matsuo Bashรต
I love this turtle print!

I thought this drawing was beautiful. I think it's watercolour pencils. I must have had a slightly shakey hand taking this photo but because of the nature of the drawing it just adds to it. (I think so anyway :) )

"Freedom lies in being bold." - Robert Frost


  1. Sarah you have made my day. When I had submitted my sketchbook I had planned to see it arrive as part of the world tour to Melbourne. Unfortunately they cancelled part of the tour and I did not think I would ever see it again. So this post and your very kind comments have really made up for that - so lovely to know someone else has been able to enjoy Henry's journey! Have a lovely day. Cx

  2. It looks wonderful. So inspiring.
